Shrouded in ice and fog, this city is the coldest in the world: [about the coldest city Yakutsk. Comment of an photographer Steeve Iuncker]
Butet-Roch Laurence, Буте-Рош Лауренс

Shrouded in ice and fog, this city is the coldest in the world: [about the coldest city Yakutsk. Comment of an photographer Steeve Iuncker]


2018 : [сайт]

О Якутске - самом холодном городе

Butet-Roch, Laurence.
Shrouded in ice and fog, this city is the coldest in the world : [about the coldest city Yakutsk. Comment of an photographer Steeve Iuncker] / Laurence Butet-Roch // : [сайт]. - 2018. - 23 января. Режим доступа: [16+]. -

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