Ice is a lifeline for the world's coldest region: [how local people get ice to drink and pollution from gold, diamond mining companies. Comments of Oy village residents Innokenty Tobonov and Pelageya Semenova, head of the Eyge environmental NGO and environmentalist Valentina Dmitriyeva]
Antonova Maria, Антонова Мария

Ice is a lifeline for the world's coldest region: [how local people get ice to drink and pollution from gold, diamond mining companies. Comments of Oy village residents Innokenty Tobonov and Pelageya Semenova, head of the Eyge environmental NGO and environmentalist Valentina Dmitriyeva]



Р : [научный портал]

О добыче льда для питья и загрязнении окружающей среды добывающими компаниями ("АЛРОСА"). Комментарии жителей села Ой Хангаласского улуса Иннокентия Тобонова и Пелагеи Семеновой, руководителя Центра экологического просвещения Республики Саха (Якутия) "Эйгэ" Валентины Дмитриевой

Ice is a lifeline for the world's coldest region : [how local people get ice to drink and pollution from gold, diamond mining companies. Comments of Oy village residents Innokenty Tobonov and Pelageya Semenova, head of the Eyge environmental NGO and environmentalist Valentina Dmitriyeva] / Maria Antonova // Р : [научный портал]. - 2018. - 7 декабря. Режим доступа: https: // [16+]. -

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