On the problem of studying shamanism in the Yakut and Korean culture: [it is an abstract of article Fedot F. Zhelobtsov about korean and yakut shamanism]
Zhelobtsov Fedot , Желобцов Федот Федотович

On the problem of studying shamanism in the Yakut and Korean culture: [it is an abstract of article Fedot F. Zhelobtsov about korean and yakut shamanism]




Shs-conferences.org : [сайт c научными статьями]

Рецензия на статью Федота Желобцова "Проблема изучения шаманизма в якутской и корейской культурах"

Zhelobtsov, Fedot .
On the problem of studying shamanism in the Yakut and Korean culture : [it is an abstract of article Fedot F. Zhelobtsov about korean and yakut shamanism] / Fedot F. Zhelobtsov // Shs-conferences.org : [сайт c научными статьями]. - 2022. - 9 февраля. Режим доступа: https://www.shs-conferences.org/articles/shsconf/abs/2022/04/shsconf_eac-law2021_00066/shsconf_eac-law2021_00066.html.- [16+]. -

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