"Lost" Siberian tiger is spotted 800 miles north of its normal habitat by Russian residents of the 'coldest permanently inhabited' region in the world: [comments of a pilot of Russia's Aerial Forest Protection Service Andrey Ivanov]
Stewart Will, Стюарт Уилл

"Lost" Siberian tiger is spotted 800 miles north of its normal habitat by Russian residents of the 'coldest permanently inhabited' region in the world: [comments of a pilot of Russia's Aerial Forest Protection Service Andrey Ivanov]



Dailymail.co.uk : [новостной сайт]

О "потерявшемся" амурском тигре, обнаруженном в Якутии. С комментариями пилота Авиалесоохраны Андрея Иванова

Stewart, Will.
"Lost" Siberian tiger is spotted 800 miles north of its normal habitat by Russian residents of the 'coldest permanently inhabited' region in the world : [comments of a pilot of Russia's Aerial Forest Protection Service Andrey Ivanov] / Will Stewart ; photo Andrey Ivanov // Dailymail.co.uk : [новостной сайт]. - 2022. - 17 November. URL: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10246501/Siberian-tiger-spotted-800-miles-north-normal-habitat-Russian-residents.html.- [16+]. -

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