Meet the mammoth tusk pirates: Russian miners risk their lives to make fortunes by illegally unearthing ivory from prehistoric animals to feed demand from Asia after elephant ban: [with comments of the paleontologist Dr Valery Plоtnikov]
Andrews Luke, Эндрюс Люк

Meet the mammoth tusk pirates: Russian miners risk their lives to make fortunes by illegally unearthing ivory from prehistoric animals to feed demand from Asia after elephant ban: [with comments of the paleontologist Dr Valery Plоtnikov]


2020 : [новостной сайт]

О добыче мамонтовых бивней в Якутии, с комментариями палеонтолога Валерия Плотникова

Andrews, Luke.
Meet the mammoth tusk pirates: Russian miners risk their lives to make fortunes by illegally unearthing ivory from prehistoric animals to feed demand from Asia after elephant ban : [with comments of the paleontologist Dr Valery Plоtnikov] / Luke Andrews ; photo Amos Chapple // : [новостной сайт]. - 2020. - 11 February. URL: [16+]. -

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