Количество страниц: 7 с.
- 1. Васильев Валерий Егорович. Жертвоприношения кэрэх: реликты и новые интерпретации на основе материалов северных саха = Sacrifice Kerekh: and New Interpretations Based on Materials of the Northern Sakha
- 2. Сулейманов Александр Альбертович. "Ресурсы холода" в системе жизнеобеспечения сельских сообществ Якутии (конец XIX - начало XXI вв.) = "Gold Resources" in the Support System of Rural Communities of Yakutia. The end of the XIXth - the Beginning of the XXIth Century
- 3. Антонов Егор Петрович. Якутия: последние сражения Гражданской войны (поход генерала А. Н. Пепеляева в Якутию в 1922-1923 гг.) = Yakutia: the Last Battle of the Civil War (General A. N. Pepelyaev’s March in Yakutia in 1922‒1923)
- 4. Санникова Яна Михайловна, Винокурова С. И.. Г. Г. Колесов и его рукописи об экономическом положении Колымского округа Якутии в 1920-е годы = Georgy Georgievich Kolesov and His Manuscripts on the Economic Situation in the Kolyma District of Yakutia in the 1920s
- 5. Григорьев Степан Алексеевич. Экологическое движение в Якутии в конце XX века = Environmental Movement in Yakutia at the End of the XX century
- 6. Данилова Надежда Ивановна, Попова Наталья Иннокентьевна. Высокая школа любви к науке = High School of Love for Science
- 7. Васильева Надежда Матвеевна, Иванова Нина Иннокентьевна. С верою в родной язык = With Faith in Native Language
- 8. Нелунов Анатолий Гаврильевич. Создатель якутской лексикографической школы = The creator of the Yakut lexicographic school
- 9. Шарина Сардана Ивановна. Система вербализации в эвенском языке (на материале нижнеколымского говора) = The Verbalization System in the Even Language (on the material of the Nizhnekolymsky subdialee)
- 10. Ларионова Анна Семеновна. Фольклор русских старожилов Якутии в трудах О. И. Чариной = Folklore of the Russian Old-Timers of Yakutia in Olga Iosifovna Charina's Researches
- 11. Северо-Восточный гуманитарный вестник, 2018, №3 (24)
The article devoted to reconstruction of the historical and cultural space of everyday life of rural settlements of Yakutia during the second half of the 20th century.Economic, demographic, and social roots of changes in the conditions of vital activity of the rural population of the republic are considered, which were associated with the transformation of the spatial organization of production and everyday life in a vast region. The socio-economic processes affecting the cultural landscape of the countryside, which for a long time remained an ethnic niche, the environment for the reproduction of traditional cultures of the indigenous peoples of Yakutia, are covered. It is emphasized that if the visible realities of Soviet everyday life in the republic became occasionally the subject of research, then the private life of ordinary people, with their moods, emotions, personal self-perception remained outside the active scientific interest. As a reason for the stability of this lacuna, the specific poverty of the sources is indicated, especially in the history of everyday life in the arctic villages. This circumstance should inspire an active search for new resources for research. In this article, new materials from rarely used sources introduced into scientific circulation reveals important socio-cultural aspects of the daily life of northerners.
Винокурова, Л. И. Повседневность сельских поселений Северной Якутии в историко-кульруном пространстве второй половины XX века / Л. И. Винокурова ; Институт гуманитарных исследований и проблем малочисленных народов Севера // Северо-Восточныйгуманитарный вестник. - 2018. - N 3 (24). - С. 52-58. - DOI: 10.25693/IGI2218-1644.2018.03.24.006
DOI: 10.25693/IGI2218-1644.2018.03.24.006
Количество страниц: 7 с.
- Общественные науки. Образование > Этнография. Обычаи. Жизнь народа. Нравы,
- Краеведение. Археология. География. Биографии. История > Общие вопросы. География как наука. Географические исследования,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ > Этнография. Обычаи. Жизнь народа. Нравы,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > КРАЕВЕДЕНИЕ. ГЕОГРАФИЯ. БИОГРАФИИ. ИСТОРИЯ > Общие вопросы. География как наука. Географические исследования.
- 1. Васильев Валерий Егорович. Жертвоприношения кэрэх: реликты и новые интерпретации на основе материалов северных саха = Sacrifice Kerekh: and New Interpretations Based on Materials of the Northern Sakha
- 2. Антонов Егор Петрович. Якутия: последние сражения Гражданской войны (поход генерала А. Н. Пепеляева в Якутию в 1922-1923 гг.) = Yakutia: the Last Battle of the Civil War (General A. N. Pepelyaev’s March in Yakutia in 1922‒1923)
- 3. Санникова Яна Михайловна, Винокурова С. И.. Г. Г. Колесов и его рукописи об экономическом положении Колымского округа Якутии в 1920-е годы = Georgy Georgievich Kolesov and His Manuscripts on the Economic Situation in the Kolyma District of Yakutia in the 1920s
- 4. Винокурова Лилия Иннокентьевна. Повседневность сельских поселений Северной Якутии в историко-культурном пространстве второй половины XX века = Daily Life of Rural Settlements in Yakutia in the Historical and Cultural Space of the Second Half of the XXth century
- 5. Григорьев Степан Алексеевич. Экологическое движение в Якутии в конце XX века = Environmental Movement in Yakutia at the End of the XX century
- 6. Данилова Надежда Ивановна, Попова Наталья Иннокентьевна. Высокая школа любви к науке = High School of Love for Science
- 7. Васильева Надежда Матвеевна, Иванова Нина Иннокентьевна. С верою в родной язык = With Faith in Native Language
- 8. Нелунов Анатолий Гаврильевич. Создатель якутской лексикографической школы = The creator of the Yakut lexicographic school
- 9. Шарина Сардана Ивановна. Система вербализации в эвенском языке (на материале нижнеколымского говора) = The Verbalization System in the Even Language (on the material of the Nizhnekolymsky subdialee)
- 10. Ларионова Анна Семеновна. Фольклор русских старожилов Якутии в трудах О. И. Чариной = Folklore of the Russian Old-Timers of Yakutia in Olga Iosifovna Charina's Researches
- 11. Северо-Восточный гуманитарный вестник, 2018, №3 (24)
On the basis of the revealed complex of archival data, analysis of scientific literature and materials of own field researches the article presents the preliminary results of the research project implemented under the guidance of the author, devoted to the pioneer in the national historiography attempt of historical and anthropological reconstruction of the value of the use of a long period of stable low temperatures ("cold resources") in the life-support system of rural communities of Yakutia. In this regard, the evolution of the role of "cold resources" in the food system of the indigenous communities of the Republic, including the preparation and storage of food is considered. Particularly highlighted is the period of the Great Patriotic War, during which the possibility of long-term storage of caught fish played a significant role in providing it to the rest of the country. The analysis of practices of exploitation of "cold resources" for sanitary and hygienic purposes, as well as subjective perception by respondents of the beneficial effects of cold on health, was carried out. In addition, an overview of the historical evolution of the importance of a long period of sustained low temperatures for transport links and logistics channels is presented. The critical role of road winter roads and ice crossings in ensuring the supply of a number of rural settlements of Yakutia at the present stage is noted.
Сулейманов, А. А. "Ресурсы холода" в системе жизнеобеспечения сельских сообществ Якутии (конец XIX - началоXXI вв.) / А. А. Сулейманов ; Институт гуманитарных исследований и проблем малочисленных народов Севера // Северо-Восточный гуманитарный вестник. - 2018. - N 3 (24). - С. 28-34.
DOI: 10.25693/IGI2218-1644.2018.03.24.003
Количество страниц: 7 с.
- 1. Ушницкий Василий Васильевич. Этнографические этюды (один день из полевой экспедиции в Синьцзян) = Ethnographic etudes (one day from a field expedition in Xinjiang)
- 2. Ефремов Николай Николаевич. Средства выражения эвиденциальности в якутском языке: формы изъявительного наклонения глагола (в сопоставлении с хакасским языком) = Means of expression of evidentiality in the Yakut language: the forms of the indicative mood of the verb (in comparison to the Khakass language)
- 3. Покатилова Надежда Володаровна. Малые жанры в повествовательной системе фольклора = Small genres in a narrative system of folklore
- 4. Самсонова Тамара Петровна. Сюжетно-композиционные особенности произведений Исая Никифорова = Plot and compositional features of the works of Isai Nikiforov
- 5. Шарина Сардана Ивановна. Деепричастия в нижнеколымском говоре эвенского языка = Adverbial-participial in Nizhnekolymskiy dialect of the Even language
- 6. Кузьмина Ангелина Афанасьевна. Названия деревьев и кустарников в якутском языке (сравнительный аспект) = The names of the trees and shrubs in the Yakut language (comparative aspect)
- 7. Винокурова Надежда Ивановна. Глоссирование как метод репрезентации текстов в якутском языке = Glossing as a method of representing texts written in Yakut
- 8. Иванова Ирина Борисовна. Языковые средства выражения меры объема и веса в якутском языке = Linguistic means of expression measures of volume and weight in the Yakut language
- 9. Иванова Нина Иннокентьевна. "Места памяти" в социолингвистической интерпретации (к постановке проблемы) = "The places of memory" in sociolinguistic interpretation (to statement of a problem)
- 10. Никитина Саргылана Егоровна. В. В. Никифоров о земском самоуправлении в Якутской области (к 150-летию Василия Васильевича Никифорова) = V. V. Nikiforov about territorial self-government in the Yakut region (the 150 th anniversary of Vasyly Vasilyevich Nikiforov)
- 11. Игнатьева Ванда Борисовна. Чурапча на девяти холмах: топография и нарративы коллективной памяти = Churapcha on nine hills: the topography and narratives of collective memory
- 12. Романова Екатерина Назаровна. Образы национального прошлого и будущего в восприятии якутской эмиграции (память, забвение, идентичность) = Images of the nation's past and future in the perception of the Yakut emigration: (memory, oblivion, identity)
- 13. Томаска Алена Георгиевна. Место памяти и идентичность молодежи Мирнинского района Республики Саха (Якутия) = Place of memory and identity of the youth of the Mirny District of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
- 14. Романова Лидия Николаевна. "Воспоминания" А. Я. Уваровского как место памяти = "The memories" of A. Ya. Uvarovskiy as the place for memory (posing of problems)
- 15. Санникова Яна Михайловна. К изучению регионального аспекта развития традиционного хозяйства народов Севера в контексте аграрной политики государства = To study the regional dimension of the traditional economy of Northern Peoples in the context of the agrarian policy of the state
- 16. Васильев Валерий Егорович. Генезис шаманских инструментов народа саха в свете образа матери-зверя у тюрков, монголов и тунгусов = The Genesis of the shamanic tools of the Sakha people in the image of the mother-beast among the Turks, Mongols and Tungus
- 17. Северо-Восточный гуманитарный вестник, 2016, №4 (17)
In this article we are talking about the results of two large-scale complex geological and geographical expeditions of 1926 and 1929-1930 in the North-East of Yakutia headed by the outstanding scientist-geologist, a talented organizer of science S. V. Obruchev. Its historical role in the elimination of the last "white spots" on the map of the country reveals. We give the descriptions of the assessment and mapping of orographic ranges of Chersky and Verkhoyansk, Yukagir and Alazeya plateau, which allowed geographical science to debunk the age-old misconceptions of the academic world. The data on the study of the glaciers under his leadership. The contribution of the researcher in the search and exploration of the richest deposits of gold, lead, zinc, copper, coal and other minerals, greatly enriched mineral reserves of the Northern region. Practical recommendations developed by S. V. Obruchev, for the prospective development of the mining industry as an important part of national economy in the North-Eastern of Yakutia. Drawing a parallel with today, when on the initiative of the Head of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) E. A. Borisov is preparing the large-scale II complex expedition under the leadership of SB RAS for study of productive forces of the Republic.
Антонов, Е. П. Вклад С. В. Обручева в геологическое и географическое изучение Якутии / Е. П. Антонов ; Институт гуманитарных исследований и проблем малочисленных народов Севера // Северо-Восточный гуманитарный вестник. - 2016, N 4 (17). - С. 35-41.
Количество страниц: 8 с.
- Общий отдел > Информационные технологии. Вычислительная техника,
- Краеведение. Археология. География. Биографии. История > Общие вопросы. География как наука. Географические исследования,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > КРАЕВЕДЕНИЕ. ГЕОГРАФИЯ. БИОГРАФИИ. ИСТОРИЯ > Общие вопросы. География как наука. Географические исследования,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ОБЩИЙ ОТДЕЛ > Информационные технологии. Вычислительная техника.
Currently, the absence of a GIS system linked to river basins in Russia may complicate the work of important operational environmental and hydrometeorological surveillance services. It is important to note that simplifying and accelerating the allocation of river basins through open source software can signi cantly optimize the work of researchers, especially in conditions where it is important to respond promptly to oods and oods in a short time. The purpose of this work is to automate the allocation of river catchment areas, which can help in the study of vast territories of the Far East, as well as contribute to the creation of effective forecasting and monitoring systems. The study presents an automated approach to the identi cation of watersheds based on the use of geospatial data and information processing algorithms. The presented method demonstrates the effective allocation of watershed boundaries, which makes it possible to simplify the research process and increase the accuracy of the data obtained. The study was conducted within the boundaries of Khangalassky district of the SR(Ya). The data obtained using digital terrain models were corrected, and then used for rapid allocation of watersheds by means of an algorithm developed by the authors. The algorithm is a module for QGIS, which uses the QGIS and GDAL tools in turn, which signi cantly speeds up the process of creating materials for further research. The results of the study emphasize the accessibility of obtaining information about the geosystems of river basins as integral systems and put forward the prospect of improving GIS processes related to water resources for more effective monitoring of ecosystems and decision-making in the eld of environmental protection.
Обутов, К. А. Автоматизация определения границ речных бассейнов малых рек на примере Хангаласского района РС (Я) / К. А. Обутов, Ю. Г. Данилов ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. - 2024. - N 2 (34). - C. 60-67. - DOI: 10.25587/2587-8751-2024-2-60-67
DOI: 10.25587/2587-8751-2024-2-60-67
Количество страниц: 7 с.
- Общий отдел > Общие вопросы науки и культуры,
- Математика. Естественные науки > Зоология,
- Краеведение. Археология. География. Биографии. История > Общие вопросы. География как наука. Географические исследования,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > КРАЕВЕДЕНИЕ. ГЕОГРАФИЯ. БИОГРАФИИ. ИСТОРИЯ > Общие вопросы. География как наука. Географические исследования,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ОБЩИЙ ОТДЕЛ > Общие вопросы науки и культуры,
The article is dedicated to the 170th anniversary of the Vilyuisk (Yakutia) expedition organised by the Siberian (Irkutsk) branch of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society (1853-1885). It was led by Richard Karlovich Maack (Germ. Richard Otto Maack), a Russian naturalist of German origin and explorer of Siberia and the Far East. It also contains some information on the Pribaikalia and Transbaikalia, taken along the way during the subsequent Amur (1855-1856) and Ussuri (1859-1960) expeditions. The route, dates, and composition of the expedition are described and the contribution of the scientist to various fields of natural science and, above all, to the study of vertebrates of the region is evaluated. Scientists have identified the habitat of amphibians and reptiles (4 species), birds (121), mammals (34), which is relatively large against the background of regional studies conducted in Eastern Siberia at that time. According to the lists of bird species published in the fundamental work of the scientist "Vilyuisky district of the Yakut region" [1883-1887], the distribution of 5 species of Gallinaceous birds (Gallinaceae) in the middle of the XIX century was revealed - Hazel Grouse, Western and Black-billied Capercaillies, Black Grouse, Willow Ptarmigan. For Transbaikalia and Pribaikalia, the habitat of two more species is noted - Gray and Bearded Partridges. The Common Pheasant was accounted for by R. K. Maack only in the Amur region and the Amur region (Far East). In general, over the century and a half of the history of studying Gallinaceous birds, their species composition has practically not changed in the researcher's work area. In Yakutia, it was replenished with species from the eastern and southern regions, living there Rock Partridge and Siberian Grouse. On the scale of Eastern Siberia, only the Pheasant is currently supplementing the Gallinaceous birds list as a new species in the region, documented in the south of Eastern Siberia - in the Eastern Sayan bordering the Baikal region and in some places of Transbaikalia (not yet precisely confirmed).
Елаев, Э. Н. Вилюйская экспедиция Ричарда Маака в изучении орнитофауны и куриных птиц (Gallinaceae) Восточной Сибири / Э. Н. Елаев, А. П. Исаев ; Бурятский государственный университет им. Д. Банзарова, Институт биологических проблем криолитозоны СО РАН // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. - 2024. - Т. 21, N 2 (96). - С. 14-20. - DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-2-14-20
DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-2-14-20
Количество страниц: 13 с.
In this article we present the results of landscape structure study in the Middle Lena valley (Erkeni, Ensieli and Tuimaada), made using GIS mapping based on Sentinel 2 satellite images andASTER GDEM datasets. Alas complexes and croplands were identi ed using K-means image segmentation with di erent initial numbers. Three machine learning algorithms were tested for pixel-based land cover classi cation. The best result was achieved with the Support Vector Machine classi er. The mapping revealed the landscape structure of 20 spatial units, which were organized into groups of upland, alas, slope, valley and oodplain landscapes. The contrasting landscape structure of the Middle Lena valley was revealed. The northern Ensieli valley is characterized by the predominance of forest larch-pine landscapes, alas complexes mostly dry with steppe meadows are widespread in the watershed. The slopes are dominated by larch forests with patches of birch. The central Tuimaada valley is the most anthropogenically transformed, here steppe meadows and anthropogenic steppes dominate. The plateau part is mainly forested with croplands. The southern valley of the Erkeni is characterized by the smallest area of the valley part dominated by steppe meadows, the slopes of the main bank of the southern and south-eastern exposition are covered with xerophytic meadows. The landscape structure of valleys, oodplain and plakor parts largely determines the speci cs of agricultural land use of the local population. The results obtained can be used for further research into the response of permafrost landscapes of the Middle Lena valleys to increased anthropogenic pressure in the context of climate change.
Ландшафтная структура долины Средней Лены / М. И. Захаров, М. М. Черосов, С. Гадаль [и др.] ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова, Якутский научно-исследовательский институт сельского хозяйства, Университет Экс-Марсель, Институт биологических проблем криолитозоны // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. Серия "Науки о Земле". - 2024. - N 1 (33). - C. 75-87. - DOI: 10.25587/2587-8751-2024-1-75-87
DOI: 10.25587/2587-8751-2024-1-75-87
Количество страниц: 9 с.
- Общий отдел > Информационные технологии. Вычислительная техника,
- Краеведение. Археология. География. Биографии. История > Общие вопросы. География как наука. Географические исследования,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ОБЩИЙ ОТДЕЛ > Информационные технологии. Вычислительная техника,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > КРАЕВЕДЕНИЕ. ГЕОГРАФИЯ. БИОГРАФИИ. ИСТОРИЯ > Общие вопросы. География как наука. Географические исследования.
In this article the problem of studying the landscape structure of inaccessible territories is considered on the example of the neighbourhood of Lake Labynkyr in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The characteristic features of the nature of the unique Lake Labynkyr are highlighted and described. From the position of landscape structure differentiation vegetation indices are analysed. The result of using NDVI (Normalised Difference Vegetation Index), TVI (Transformed Vegetation Index), NRVI (Normalised Ratio Vegetation Index), MTVI2 (Modified Triangular Vegetation Index - improved), MSAVI2 (Modified Soil Corrected Vegetation Index - 2) is presented. The methodology used is based on the experience of studies of areas of similar inaccessibility and uses the raster calculator of QGIS software in combination with slope steepness data obtained from the digital model. Particular attention is paid to the features of the relief, as it is one of the leading factors in the formation of the type of terrain. Characteristic features of five terrain types of the study area are identified and described: slope deluvial-solifluctional, slope deluvial-colluvial, moraine (foothill moraine), mountain-valley, glacial-valley. Based on the analysis of the collected field material, as well as the use of remote sensing methods and geoinformation technologies, the spatial organisation of landscapes was revealed and a map scheme was presented.
Обутов, К. А. Изучение ландшафтной структуры труднодоступных территорий с применением ГИС-технологий (на примере озера Лабынкыр) / Обутов К. А., Дегтева Ж. Ф., Данилов Ю. Г. ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова // Успехи современного естествознания. - 2023. - N 12. - С. 146-154. - DOI: 10.17513/use.38185
DOI: 10.17513/use.38185
Количество страниц: 9 с.
- Краеведение. Археология. География. Биографии. История > Общие вопросы. География как наука. Географические исследования,
- Математика. Естественные науки > Экономическая геология. Месторождение полезных ископаемых,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > КРАЕВЕДЕНИЕ. ГЕОГРАФИЯ. БИОГРАФИИ. ИСТОРИЯ > Общие вопросы. География как наука. Географические исследования,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > МАТЕМАТИКА. ЕСТЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ > Геология. Геологические и геофизические науки.
The materials of reports and publications on the seismogeological characteristics of the Anabar-Olenek structural zone, the shelves of the Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea have been studied. The work performed is aimed at clarifying, detailing and increasing the reliability of further research, previously updated in the process of scientific study of geological exploration materials of past years. The geological factors affecting the distribution of average and interval velocities of seismic reflection waves in the sedimentary cover are considered. For the entire territory, researchers have established an increase in reservoir and average velocities in the sedimentary cover as its thickness increases. This dependence is typical for the continental part of the platform. In the shelf deposits of the northern seas of Yakutia, the velocity dependence is determined by tectonic and magmatic factors, which become decisive for the Gakkel Ridge, Hyperborea, and the Novosibirsk-Chukotka structural zone. In the western part of the Laptev Sea, the surface of the consolidated crust corresponds to the surface of the Archean-Lower Proterozoic crystalline basement. In the rest of the territory, in the wave seismic field, the foundation is the asynchronous acoustic boundary of the surface of metamorphosed and dislocated strata with an age interval from the Riphean to the Paleogene. The observed complex wave pattern and various options for seismic reflector binding, in the opinion of the authors, are largely due to the structural and tectonic features of the evolution and interaction of the Siberian platform, Hyperborea, the Verkhoyansk-Kolyma folded region, the Arctic plume, the Novosibirsk-Chukotka structural-tectonic zone. The work was carried out with financial support within the framework of the state assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. 122011100158-1 using the scientific equipment of the Center for Shared Use of the Federal Research Center ҺThe Yakut Scientific Centre of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciencesһ within the framework of grant No. 13.TsKP.21.0016.
Оболкин, А. П. Особенности сейсмогеологических характеристик Анабаро-Оленекской структурной зоны, шельфов моря Лаптевых и Восточно-Сибирского моря / Оболкин А. П., Слепцова М. И. ; Институт проблем нефти и газа // Успехи современного естествознания. - 2023. - N 9. - С. 54-62. - DOI: 10.17513/use.38103
DOI: 10.17513/use.38103
Количество страниц: 9 с.
- Математика. Естественные науки > Геология. Геологические и геофизические науки,
- Краеведение. Археология. География. Биографии. История > Общие вопросы. География как наука. Географические исследования,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > МАТЕМАТИКА. ЕСТЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ > Геология. Геологические и геофизические науки,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > КРАЕВЕДЕНИЕ. ГЕОГРАФИЯ. БИОГРАФИИ. ИСТОРИЯ > Общие вопросы. География как наука. Географические исследования.
Presently, the climate is warming, with average annual temperatures rising every year, and theArctic remaining one of the most vulnerable regions. This has a noticeable e ect on the northern forests, which leads to the displacement of the tundra zone. Assessing the consequences of a projected increase in air temperature under climate change conditions requires spatial and instant monitoring of hard-to-reach areas. In the last few years, the use of remote sensing techniques and combinations of satellite imagery to calculate vegetation indices has generated great interest in obtaining high-de nition ground data. The article presents the results of modeling soil moisture in Anabar tundra, which is located in the north-west of Yakutia. The study was conducted on the border of tundra and forest tundra in three reference areas (tundra, tundra young forest, tundra indigenous forest). The simulation is presented by comparing the eld data and the normalized di erence index of humidity NDMI. The NDMI index uses the NIR and SWIR channels, calculates a multi-channel raster object and creates a raster image with index values from -1 to 1, which show the humidity level with a spatial resolution of 10 meters. The data showed that the value of humidity pixels according to NDMI in the tundra zone is 0.04, in the tundra young forest is 0.09 and, in the tundra, native forest is 0.15. It was found that the index data correlated with eld humidity data obtained from a depth of 0.2 m. A comparison of remote sensing decryption data with eld data made it possible to simulate the spatial distribution of soil moisture over the vast study area by extrapolation.
Никифорова, Н. Н. Моделирование весовой влажности грунтов на территории Анабарской тундры с использованием наземных исследований и данных дистанционного зондирования земли / Н. Н. Никифорова, С. В. Калиничева, А. Н. Федоров ; Институт мерзлотоведения им. П. И. Мельникова // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. Серия: Науки о земле. - 2023. - N 4 (32). - C. 60-68. - DOI: 10.25587/2587-8751-2023-4-60-68
DOI: 10.25587/2587-8751-2023-4-60-68
Ответственность: Иванова Светлана Алексеевна (Научный руководитель)
Количество страниц: 4 с.
- Общественные науки. Образование > Народное образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга > Организация досуга,
- Краеведение. Археология. География. Биографии. История > Общие вопросы. География как наука. Географические исследования,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ > Народное образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга.
Кулаковский, П. П. Проектирование туристско-рекреационных зон Верхоянского хребта (на примере бассейна реки Белянка) / Кулаковский П. П. ; научный руководитель Иванова С. А. ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова, Институт естественных наук // Республиканская молодежная научно-практическая конференция, посвященная празднованию 150-летия со дня рождения В. К. Арсеньева, Якутск, 19 октября 2022 г. : сборник научных трудов / [редакционная коллегия: Ю. Г. Данилов, Ж. Ф. Дегтева, С. А. Иванова и др.]. - Якутск : Издательский дом СВФУ, 2023. - 1 файл (85 с. ; 2,5 Мб). - С. 58-61.